Annual Parish Meeting
The Vestry is calling our annual parish meeting on Sunday, January 26th in the undercroft. We will have ONE combined service at 9:00am with the meeting to follow. Our church bylaws state that we must have 50 church members for the vote to be valid, and we are asking for everyone to make every effort to be present.
We will be proposing amending our by-laws in the following ways:
• Article 3, Section 8 – Youth Member of the Vestry. We are proposing that the wording
change from “will have a seat” to “may have a seat”.
• Article 9, Section 2 – Under Shelter Care Ministries: Change the wording to “The
Current Rector will serve on the Shelter Care Ministry Board. A second member as
recommended by the Vestry and approved by Shelter Care Ministry Board will also
serve on an annual basis”.
We have four Vestry positions open for the 2025 year:
• One 1-year term that is filling a vacant position. The current candidate:
o Mark Baldwin.
• Three 3-year terms. Current candidates include:
▪ Kyla Chapman-Neal
▪ Todd Burton
▪ Tamara Ross
Other nominations may be made and seconded to be added to the ballot at the meeting.
Finally, we will be voting on the 2025 budget as set forth by the nominating committee and
approved by the Vestry. This budget will be released closer to the meeting date.
Please reach out to Rev. Conrad Selnick or any Vestry member prior to this meeting with any questions or feedback. We hope to see everyone there.
Emmanuel Episcopal Vestry