Worship Ministries
All of our services are very participatory and everyone has an opportunity to assist, including reading the scriptures, assisting at the altar, and greeting people.
Acolytes - Youth and adults serve as acolytes. Children begin as torch bearers, become servers, and then assume increased responsibility for supporting worship.
Altar Guild - the Altar Guild is responsible for all preparations necessary for services. That includes changing altar linens, putting out the wine and bread, and clearing the altar after the service. The Altar Guild also supplies, cleans, and cares for all vestments, linens, and vessels used by the priests, the deacon, and lay ministers.
Ushers - Ushers meet and greet all parishioners or attendees as they enter the church on Sunday so they are the first people you meet when you come to Emmanuel! If you have any questions during services or need help locating anything in the building, please ask an usher.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - LEMs take communion to members of the church who are unable to attend services. In addition to clergy, parishioners may serve as LEMs.